r1582 Ultra-rapid EOP-observation during a regular 24h IVS-session

Last update: 05/08/2013 01:25:04

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Antenna webcam images
Hobart 12-m antenna
Hobart 12-m antenna
Update: 04/24/2013 04:15:02
HartRAO 26-m antenna
HartRAO 26-m antenna
Update: 04/24/2013 04:16:01
Onsala 20-m antenna
Onsala 20-m antenna
Update: 04/24/2013 04:16:56
Tsukuba 32-m antenna
Tsukuba 32-m antenna
Update: 04/24/2013 04:16:54

3-D fringe plots of X-band 1-4 ch
Baseline HbHh obs. #21/23
3-D fringe plot
Update: 04/23/2013 14:55:20
Baseline HbOn obs. #0/0
3-D fringe plot
Update: [an error occurred while processing this directive]
Baseline HbTs obs. #44/46
3-D fringe plot
Update: 04/23/2013 16:44:46
Baseline HhOn obs. #46/50
3-D fringe plot
Update: 04/23/2013 16:42:38
Baseline HhTs obs. #49/52
3-D fringe plot
Update: 04/23/2013 16:25:20
Baseline OnTs obs. #173/177
3-D fringe plot
Update: 04/23/2013 17:00:55

  • Analysis strategy: 3-hour sliding window, 10-minute solution interval
  • Analysis result EOPI file: r1582.eopi File format:IVS standard EOP format
  • The outliers were removed from these graphs.
    Estimated dUT1 values using C5++ with the IERS prediction
    Estimated dUT1 values using C5++ with the IERS prediction
    Update: 05/07/2013 02:51:26
    Estimated Xp values using C5++ with the IERS prediction
    Estimated Xp values using C5++ with the IERS prediction
    Update: 05/07/2013 02:51:26
    Estimated Yp values using C5++ with the IERS prediction
    Estimated Yp values using C5++ with the IERS prediction
    Update: 05/07/2013 02:51:26