# GETPAR_EOP format version 2.1 of 2007.08.30 # Earth orientation parameters from the VLBI solution # VLBI Calc/Solve solution # Spool file: ./gsi2009a.spl # Analysis center: GSI ( Geographical Survey Institute ) # Generated by getpar at 2009.12.25-09:49:43 # # EOP totals DO NOT include the effect of subdaily variations # Time argument: TAI # Nutation angles are wrt Wahr1980 expansion # # Processed by remove_badeop at 2009.12.25-09:49:49 # # Sorted by sort_eob 2.0 at 2009.12.25-09:49:50 # # EOPS file contains the series of the estimates the Earth orientation # parameters obtained from processing VLBI experiments. # # Format: # # The first line presents the format label. This document describes format # version 2.1 of 2007.08.30. The data file which confirms this format # description should have the first line # GETPAR_EOP format version 2.1 of 2007.08.30 # # # The line which starts from # is considered as a comment # # Field Columns Format Units Meaning # # 1 2-13 F12.6 days Modified Julian date of the TDT time tag # 2 15-22 F8.6 arcsec The estimate of X pole coordinate # 3 24-31 F8.6 arcsec The estimate of Y pole coordinate # 4 33-42 F10.7 sec The UT1-UTC function # 5 44-51 F8.3 mas Adjustment of the nutation in longitude angle with # respect to IAU 1980 nutation expansion # 6 53-60 F8.3 mas Adjustment of the nutation in obliquity angle with # respect to IAU 1980 theory # 7 62-69 F8.6 arcsec Formal uncertainty of X pole coordinate # 8 71-78 F8.6 arcsec Formal uncertainty of Y pole coordinate # 9 80-88 F9.7 sec Formal uncertainty of UT1-UTC function # 10 90-96 F7.3 mas Formal uncertainty of nutation in longitude angle # 11 98-104 F7.3 mas Formal uncertainty of nutation in obliquity angle # 12 106-112 F7.2 psec Weighted root mean square of postfit residual of # the solution # 13 114-119 F6.4 -- Correlation between the estimates of X-pole # positions and Y-pole position # 14 121-126 F6.4 -- Correlation between the estimates of X-pole # positions and UT1-TAI angle # 15 128-133 F6.4 -- Correlation between the estimates of Y-pole # positions and UT1-TAI angle # 16 135-140 F6.4 -- Correlation between the estimates of nutation in # longitude and nutation in obliquity # 17 142-147 I6 -- Number of used observations in the session # 18 149-154 A6 -- IVS session code # 19 156-160 F5.2 hours Session duration # 20 162-170 F9.6 asc/day Estimate of rate change of X pole coordinate # 21 172-180 F9.6 asc/day Estimate of rate change of Y pole coordinate # 22 182-191 F10.7 sec Length of day # 23 193-194 A2 Filler: -0 does not have any meaning # 24 196-197 A2 Filler: -0 does not have any meaning # 25 199-207 F9.6 asc/day Formal uncertainty of x pole coordinate rate # 26 209-217 F9.6 asc/day Formal uncertainty of y pole coordinate rate # 27 219-228 F10.7 sec Formal uncertainty of length of day # 28 230-231 A2 Filler: -0 does not have any meaning # 29 233-234 A2 Filler: -0 does not have any meaning # 30 237-300 A64 -- Network ID. The alphabetically ordered sequecne # of two-letter IVS station identifiers. Only those # stations which provided obsrvations used in the # solution are listed. The station names are defined # in the IVS document ivscontrol/ns-codes.txt # # If a given parameter was not estimated a filler, -0, is placed. # # Processed by eob_to_eops at 2009.12.25-09:49:50 # 44341.680556 -.005016 0.186839 0.3870030 13.611 -3.305 0.000608 0.002223 0.0000461 0.672 0.233 41.22 -.1097 -.7989 -.3272 -.1305 1198 xus801 39.28 0.001116 0.004067 0.0032335 -0 -0 0.001014 0.003033 0.0000800 -0 -0 ÿÿÿÿ xx8± @± H±